2009 – July

As I am bringing more content from my other web site Australian Natural Health and Healing, there are now more articles on Horse Whispers. Check them out. You might find something you like there. There is now a Recipes section where I will post dog treats recipes as well as other ones such as how to make your own ointment and the likes. Dog’s lifeDid you know that garlic is actually bad for dogs? Although many dog food contain garlic, one should be mindful of garlic’s various adverse effects. Garlic is part of the onion family, and should be treated with similar caution. Animals can develop anemia, increased respiratory rate, weakness and pale mucous membranes. Over the years, there have been many reported cases of poisoning in dogs, cows, horses and even cats and rabbits. Cheesy Dog Cookies
Combine everything except water. Whisk in food processor until consistency of cornmeal. Then add water until mixture forms a ball. Roll it into 1/2″ thickness and cut into shapes. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets about 10 min. (depending on size of shapes) at 180 degrees Celsius. Cool and store in refrigerator. Horsing aroundHoof poulticesThere is a plant we should all have in our paddocks and at home: Aloe Vera. First of all, it is easy to grow. You simply need to cut a leaf and plant it in the ground or a pot. It doesn’t need much water and is happy in full sun. How easy is that? Secondly, it has amazing healing properties! It helps heal burns, cuts, wounds etc. As I was talking to Darrall Clifford (Equine Hoofcare) my farrier this week, he gave me a good and easy recipe for a hoof poultice for a cut heel. Take few leaves of Aloe Vera and cut them in half to open them to reveal the fleshy part. After the hoof/sole has been cleaned and dried, apply the leaves with the fleshy parts on the cut. Bandage. Wait a couple of days before renewing the leaves and the bandage. French green clay is one of my favourites as a hoof poultice. It is so versatile that it can be used for about all ailments you can think of: cuts, thrush, brittle hooves, greasy heels, bruises etc. Sounds weird, isn’t it? Well not really once you know this clay. Its mineral content is so high that it provides fantastic healing properties. It has been used successfully in curing the Buruli ulcer (eating flesh disorder) in Africa, as well as curing breast cancer. In France, it is widely used by farriers to resolve many hoof affections. In the case of a cut heel, clean and dry the area (if possible). On a gauze, put about 2 tablespoons of dry clay or make a paste with some cooled boiled water. Pack the cut with clay (dry or paste). Apply the gauze on the affected area and bandage. Change the clay and bandage every day. It will stop infection, draw any impurities out and repair tissues. Animal communicationTalking to your pet is not difficult and any one (yes, any one) can do it. You don’t need to be a psychic or medium or have some kind of super powers to be able to tap into their energetic fields. Telepathy is quite easy when it comes to animals, because they are willing to communicate that way. They are open to this level of communication whilst we, humans, have forgotten how to communicate telepathically. You can start by sitting next to your pet and make sure you won’t be disturbed. Then you need to find silence within yourself. Once you have, concentrate on your pet and tell him you are here to talk. Then “listen”. Your pet might talk with words, or feelings, or images. Trust what you receive! Of course there are various exercises to do to enhance your ability and I will discuss some with you in various newsletters. Animal communication – Talking Ducks
Wild ducks are funny little birds! You see them everywhere but what do they say? In my horses’ paddock there is a lovely pond that attracts many wild ducks. They congregate there and wander around the place on the look out for some food. At feed time, they come near the horses and nibble at anything falling out of the horses’ mouth. They are so used to me that I can walk with them without disturbing them. They always seem to waddle around in pairs. At time, you might see few pairs there but rarely see a lonely duck. Up coming eventsWatch this spot! Workshops and a correspondence course are coming! Within the next few months, I will be running a beginers workshop in Brisbane. You can register your interests by emailing me at cass@horsewhispers.com.au
Until next time, take care and kiss your pets for me! Cass, Give a voice to the silent ones! Horse Whipsers https://horsewhispers.com.au |