May 2010

2010 – February

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Welcome to February 2010 newsletter!

We have moved to Warwick, Queensland! It was a substantial move and I am still unpacking!
I apologise that I haven’t had much time to prepare for much content for this newsletter.

Animal Communication

Preparing for a move
Well, what’s more appropriate to talk about preparing your pets for a new home, when I did it this month!
One needs to understand that your pets, whether it be a cat or a horse, are settled in their lives and where they live, it is their home. They have their marks, their friends, their habits. Moving them without considering their feelings and ways of life can cause some serious problems in the new home.
I have a cat, 2 dogs and 2 horses and each one of them needed to be prepared for the move.
As animals have a different concept of time, it is irrelevant to tell them you are moving on the 1st of March. It means nothing. It is also unnecessary to tell them 2 weeks in advance. 3 to 4 days before the move is normally enough but you will need to turn it into sleeps (i.e. using your power of visualisation, show them 3 sleeps during a session of animal communication.) And do it every day until the move, meaning you’d have a session with each animal everyday.
Presenting the move
The first session is to present the move. Explain you are going to a new home and they will come with you. Send them pictures of what their new home looks like. Tell them they need to say goodbye to their friends too. It is important they have closure with the old place so they do not want to go back there. Not long ago,  I worked on a stallion who had been with his new owner for more than 3 weeks and could not settle. His owner told me that he kept running mad around his enclosure and kept neighing loudly day and night. The first thing this stallion told me was that he did not say goodbye to the mares. He thought he was just going away for a little while but now he realised he would never go back.
Send feeling of joy and happiness with the new place and tell them they will be fine and happy there with you and it is likely they will meet new friends.
For the other sessions, repeat the same information and add how many sleeps (in vision, like the night) before the move.
Out of all my animals, my old horse Thunder, showed his disapproval straight away. He was not happy to move and said he liked where he was and did not want to go. I had to explain that since I was moving, he needed to come with me and reassured him that Lily (my mare) would be coming too and the new place was nice and had 2 other horses.
As Lily had not been into a float or a truck for few years now, and knowing how worried and spooky she can be, I made sure I prepared her in regards to the transport.
The transport itself went very well and Lily did not have any problems going into the truck.
After the move
At my great surprise, Lily settled in within a couple of days and showed great joy and peace. She likes the new home. Thunder, on the other hand, has been resistant to the change and had not settled after 5 days, not eating and letting Lily being the leader instead of him. I then conducted another session with him where I had to remind him that if I had left him behind, he would have ended up abandoned in the paddock and no one would have come to feed him, Lily would have not been with him and he would have been like he had been once, starved with no one to love him. So he’d better adapt quickly and reinstate the normal hierarchy as he is a great leader and Lily counts on him. That did the trick! The next day he was back at the top and started eating normally again.
My cat Meow, adapted to the new home very quickly and just loves it! She did not adventure outside for a couple of days at first, as she was too busy exploring the inside of the house. My partner was worried she would run away, but I knew she wouldn’t as she told me she’d stay around.
My Kelpie Roy, needed another session after the move as he needed the reassurance it was his new home and each time I drove away I would come back to the house and wouldn’t leave him behind.
It’s been 10 days now and they are all happy!

Interesting websites

Some sites I came across that might be of interest to you.

  • Natural Horse World – a great site from Cythia Cooper, dedicated to natural horse and horsemanship, and LightRider Bitless bridles. It has some great articles and information.
  • YouTube video, the Japanese smiling dog Chii the Shiba Inu, smiles when he sees his owner

Until next month, take all care! Please kiss your pets for me!
Horse Whispers
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New Products!!
Large Homeopathy Kit for horses and other animals now available.
This homeopathy kit contains 38 homeopathic remedies, 1 rescue remedy and 1 jar of French green clay.
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I’m trying to find cheap, interesting ebooks about animals, lifestyle and natural therapies. The list is growing!
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Animal Communication Foundation correspondence course
Learn animal communication from home. I have designed this course in a way that you will gain the skills to and a solid foundation in animal communication.
Payment plan is now available!
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2010 – February Read More »

2010 – April

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Welcome to March/April 2010 newsletter!

Yes, I know, I missed March newsletter. I apologise and hope the content of this newsletter will compensate for last month!

I have been very busy with the new place, new job, new home for the ponies.. new everything! There are few things we don’t think about when we move and it takes a while to sort out. Like, a new farrier, a new vet, a new doctor, a new dentist, a new chiropractor for the ponies, a new one for the humans, a new hairdresser, finding the same feed… did I miss anything?? (big smile)

Fortunately, people in Warwick are very nice and helpful, so we are nearly there!

Many things have been happening that it feels like riding a roller-coaster at times!

I have decided to expand my services to provide a more hands-on approach. I have purchased an Equissage hand-unit and will offer this service at a later stage. I will also offer, once I have acquired the desired level of training, equine acupuncture, acupressure, photon therapy and ultrasound therapy. So I will be busier than ever now! But it will be worthwhile for the animals!

Animal Communication

Lily’s Diary

Well, my little mare has been lame since we moved. I had the vet, the chiropractor and the farrier in. No apparent reason. Just hard ground.
So we are doing ground work a lot and building up our relationship. It’s fantastic! She is so sweet and tries so hard to do the right thing. I take her for a walk around the place and on the road, like a big dog! She looks forward to our little walks and she is becoming more confident! A lot of explanation goes on before we go anywhere. When we get to something she is scared of, I touch the thing and tell her it is safe. She then sniffs my hand and then sniff the object. Works very well! After all, I don’t care if she is not ridden for a while. we have all the time on Earth!
Perseverance people! Perseverance and consistence.

Animal Communication – Know your horse, know yourself

We all have heard of animals mirroring us, but what does it really mean? When I heard this for the first times few years ago, I asked around. Some people said “they mimic their owners”. other said “they take on their illnesses” or “they look like their owners”. Ok, those can be all valid responses but I was not satisfied with them.
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Natural Remedies for Horses and Dogs

Aromatherapy – Natural remedies for horses and dogs with arthritis

Older animals quite often get affected by arthritis. Like in humans, it is a painful illness and, unfortunately, no cure exists yet. However, there are many natural remedies or treatments that can significantly help our friends and can work alongside traditional veterinary medicine. It is wise to consult your vet for a definite diagnostic and make sure that the natural remedies you use do not interfere with whatever your vet has prescribed. The following treatments can be used with horses and dogs. I do not recommend to use aromatherapy (essential oils) on cats as it can be fatal. You can replace essential oils with hydrolats or floral water.
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Until next month, take all care! Please kiss your pets for me!
Horse Whispers
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New Products!!

  • Arthritis and Muscles
  • Eye Inflammation
  • Horse Colics
  • Foot Lameness
  • Homeopathic Kit

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Animal Communication Foundation correspondence course
Learn animal communication from home. I have designed this course in a way that you will gain the skills to and a solid foundation in animal communication.
Payment plan is now available!
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