In September 2009, I attended an Animal Communication workshop with Cass and had no idea what to expect. The idea of talking to animals was completely new to me and while not a total sceptic, there was a lot for me to take in. It was a fascinating day and the one thing I came away with was that we talk to animals with our hearts not our heads.
During the next 12 months I practised this in small ways by asking my horses how they liked their feed mixed and telling that I loved them. Just simple things.
Then in November 2010, I had the very sad experience of losing my two Peruvian paso mares in the same week. They were mother and daughter. I had sent them to a near-by trainer and after they had been there two days my younger mare died of colic before the vet could get there. It was a total shock as she was a fit active 7 year old with bundles of energy and a very feisty nature.
The trainer then advised that the mother should be seen by a chiropractor as she had problems in her back end and was in a lot of pain.
It was severe damage to the pelvis from her habit of running backwards in fear over many years.whenever she was caught for feet trim etc.
She also had a vet check which verified this and with a heavy heart I decided to have her put down. as with this type of injury there is no return to soundness or freedom from pain.
Then I remembered Cass at Horsewhispers and asked her to help this lovely little mare pass over and meet up with her daughter.
Cass spoke to my horses several times and they told her things that only I would have known.
An example is that the mother told Cass she really appreciated how I had helped her when she had hurt her front leg at one stage.
Over about a week Cass helped with their passing and also answered my many questions about animal communication. I must have seemed a real sceptic.
During the next 14 months, I continued to ‘talk with my heart’ to all my animals but didn’t pursue any further studies in animal communication.
Then in early February this year, I made the painful decision to have my beloved older horse put down due to his arthritis. He had become very immobile and I knew he was in pain.
My vet had advised that it was a decision that was kinder for the horse.
Tossy was the love of my horse life.
I decided that it could be done the next day.
Then I remembered Cass. I sent her an email that evening with fingers crossed that she would read it as there were only a few hours before he would be passing.
To my great relief, Cass was there and agreed to help Tossy pass over the next morning.
He was almost 22 years old and I am very grateful for the 10 years I had with him in sickness and health. He was a horse of great dignity and spirituality.
I am honoured to have known him.
By now I was a little more experienced with animal communication, and able to talk a bit to Tossy myself. He told me that many of his breed (Peruvian Paso) had a very hard time in Australia since they were introduced here in 1976 partly due to the very small gene pool and partly through neglect and at times cruelty.
I wanted to help promote this wonderful breed and planned to do so in due course.
I didn’t tell Cass about my little talk with Tossy, but to my utter amazement he elaborated to her and told her quite plainly that I shouldn’t promote the breed unless I could guarantee there would be no more suffering from poor genes and poor treatment
This was incredible stuff.
For the next month I googled everything I could find on Peruvian pasos in Australia and New Zealand, hoping to find another suitable paso horse.
I haven’t been successful, but what has happened is that I have had several people contact me, one completely out of the blue and from the other side of the country, and tell me about the early history of this beautiful breed in Australia including the hard time Tossy had in his youth.. What he told Cass and me was completely verified and I can only respect Tossy’s wish that I don’t pursue the breed.
Cass has been wonderful throughout this sad time.
One thing, though, is that I now have a great desire to pursue my studies and experience in animal communication.
Even in situations of sadness, it has given another dimension which makes me feel I am still really close to my animals even though they have passed and that it is only a thin veil between us.
I have a lot more to learn, but in writing this and looking back over the last two years, I can see how I’ve grown through Cass’s help.
My relationship with my animals has changed dramatically..
Instead of loving them so much but being afraid of the heartbreak when they pass, I am now able to feel continuity between life and death. I feel close to the animals who have passed but have an open heart to meet my new animal friends.
Cass is now helping me find my next horse.
Heartfelt thanks, Cass