My Story
I have spent all my life surrounded by animals, big and small and I have always had a special affinity with horses and dogs.
Over the years, I have studied and practiced a variety of complementary therapies such as Animal Communication, Aromatherapy, Flower Essences, Reiki, Energy Healing, Clay Therapy, Homeopathy, Herbology, Yoga, Meditation, Chakra and Kundalini Therapy, just to name a few. It is only few years ago that I decided to entirely shift my knowledge and skills towards the animal kingdom when I acquired my beautiful Quarter Horse mare Lily and rescued my beloved Thoroughbred Thunder.
Lily and Thunder took me on a path that led me to discover their secret world and to become an animal communicator. They taught me that inter-species communication is real and humans have a lot to learn from animals.
These two horses have taught me more than any book or course would ever teach me! All the knowledge I had was, somehow, brought together into an amazing over arching asset where new skills had to be added. They have showed me and guided me into practising Intuitive Animal Communication as, without it, I would not have been able to establish the harmonious and fruitful relationship we have. It has been an inspiring wonderful journey I will never forget.
I am a a registered practitioner (Animal Therapies) with the Holistic Health Association International. On the formal aspect, I hold the following: Dip. Animal Energy Healing, Dip. Flower Essences, Cert. Aromatherapy and Aromatherapy for Pets, Dip. Animal Communication and Adv. Animal Communication (Marta Williams), Reiki Master Usui and Kundalin Reiki, Angel Intuitive (Doreen Virtue) and Cert. Animal Homeopathy, Cert IV Training and Assessment.
I am currently studying a Master of Animal Science at Charles Sturt University, specialising in animal behaviour and nutrition, especially for our equine friends.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.
For the love of Animals,