Interesting Articles
A little bit about the wonderful world of animals!
Benefits of Essential Oils to Animals
The Benefits of essential oils with pets are marvelous. Animals, horses in particular, react particularly…
Antibiotics for my pets? I Think Not
Antibiotics are given to animals far too often and in many cases, they are overused…
Aromatherapy – Natural remedies for horses and dogs with arthritis
Older animals quite often get affected by arthritis. Like in humans, it is a painful…
The Basics Of Aromatherapy For Horses
Anyone who has ever owned a horse can testify that they are very sensitive creatures…
Animal Aromatherapy – How to clean a wound
How to clean a wound on an animal using essential oil of lavender and calendula…
How to use essential oils with pets
Aromatherapy for pets is highly efficient however, although essential oils are natural products in essence,…
Applications and Safety of Essential Oils with Animals
Applications and safety of essential oils with pets. How to store essential oils, to apply…
What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy for pets, horses and dogs is a natural therapy to help your pet heal…
The Equine Apothecary: Aromatherapy Toolkit
Because horses respond so well to essential oils, every horse owner and serious rider should…