August 2010

The Basics Of Aromatherapy For Horses

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oil, holistic, treatment

Anyone who has ever owned a horse can testify that they are very sensitive creatures and also prone to a number of ailments. Most horse owners have probably had reason to use conventional medicine, but have you ever thought about discussing aromatherapy for horses with your vet?

Aromatherapy is an ancient art and is based on the use of essential oils extracted from plants to help heal and treat health problems. If you are going to use aromatherapy on your own horse it is always wise to consult your vet to make sure the oils don’t interact with any other treatment. read more

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Benefits Of Aromatherapy For Dogs

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When a person takes a bubble bath they know that it helps relax them, but they may have never considered that some of that relaxation is coming from the aromas that are coming out of the essential oils used in the bath. These wonderful sensations are not exclusive to humans. Dogs can have beautiful, calming aroma-therapeutic baths. When a person learns about all the benefits of aromatherapy for pets, one will want to learn how to use essential oils on their dogs.

One benefit one can find is that it will help relax a dog. Depending on the essential oils chosen, aromatherapy can invigorate or sedate. So if the dog is nervous or anxious, essential oils can help in relaxing the pet.

Another benefit one can discover is that these methods are really easy to implement. When compared to having to give pills with many possible side effects, it is safer and more natural to use essential oils.

Aromatherapy can benefit both the dog owner and the animal. If, for example, you were to give your dog a bath with essential oil of Lavender, then you would breathe in the aroma which would then penetrate your blood stream via your respiratory system, to act on you and relax you.

Being able to take care of your dog is a wonderful thing. Aromatherapy can provide a solid support to traditional veterinary medicine. And in some cases, replace it. However, it is important to know and understand the effects of essential oils on animals before using them. I have written quite few articles on Aromatherapy for Pets which will help you familiarise yourself with the use of essential oils with animals.

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Where To Find Information On Aromatherapy For Cats

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When a person has a cat they know that they own the house. However, a cat owner will want to give their cat the best quality of life possible. That may include taking them to the vet, groomer, bathing them etc. It may also include using aromatherapy for cats. The problem one can run into though is that aromatherapy is not recommended on cats.

Essential oils, like most organic substances, are composed of what is called chemotypes. Chemotypes are the chemical components of essential oils. Cats are unable to process the chemotypes of essential oils through their liver like humans, dogs, horses etc. In fact, using essential oils on cats can be fatal.

So does it mean you cannot use aromatherapy on your cat? Well, yes, you can! You will need to use floral waters instead. Floral waters,also called linen waters, are residual liquids from the distillation of the flowers and plant material used to make essential oils. They are so mild that they can be used on babies. There is enough plant material left in the floral water to still benefit from the medicinal properties of the essential oils.

If your cat is nervous or gets too excited, you can make a spray bottle with Lavender floral water and spray it on his coat or bedding. Rosemary floral water is good for the coat. Tea Tree, Cajeput and Niaouli  floral waters can be used to deter fleas.

When bathing your cat, pour some floral water in his bath. Bergamot floral water can help lift his mood. A happy cat makes a happy household!

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Learning How To Improve Pet Health With The Help Of Animal Communication

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It is no secret that some animals are extremely intelligent. Think about the tricks that they are taught to entertain us at the circus or the little ways in which our canines communicate with us at home. The concept of animal communication is much more than that though. There is the telepathic communication that allows the species to communicate with one another and the way we read their body language and behaviour.

Learning animal language is within everyone’s reach. By learning this, you will be able to resolve the issues that affect your animal’s health as well as behavioural issues. It will help you find out what makes him or her happy and deepened your relationship with the pet. If the pet goes missing, you may be able to find him more easily and you will be able to communicate with him, even when you are not at home. All you need to be able to do this is to believe that it can be done.

Most animals are psychic and this technique will help you to establish whether your pet is ready to move on or to connect with an animal that has crossed over already. The process involves much meditation in order to establish a telepathic connection.

Many pet owners would love to know what goes through their animals’ heads, as they realise that animals are a lot more than simple-minded creatures that operate on instinct alone.

Pets tend to know when we need comforting, hence the notion that a dog is man’s best friend. Spiritualists believe that animals come to us either for us to learn from them, or for them to learn something from us.

Either way, it is nice to have a pet that understands how we feel and is there to protect us. The least we can do for them is to learn animal communication, which will not only benefit ourselves, but them too.

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