2010 – May

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Welcome to May 2010 newsletter!
It’s winter! It is our first winter! Ok, the coldest we’ve had so far was -2 degrees celsius and a little bit of frost. The ponies are a bit frisky! Rugs are out and even old Thunder is happy to get his rug at night! Pongo our Labrador just loves the fireplace! Roy the Kelpie curls up on his pillow at night and Meow the cat sleeps on our bed. Stay warm this winter! 🙂 Animal Communication Lily’s Diary
Working things out between your horse and you is not as easy as saying sorry. When you have a fall out with a friend or a loved one, quite often the situation can be sorted out by sitting down and having a good conversation. Well, it is not that simple when it comes to restore the so fragile balance that exists between horses and humans. It is all about trust and it takes time for an already cautious horse to trust again a human who has let them down. When a horse has given you his trust and you are bestowed the power of The Leader, you are suddenly transported to the top of the hierarchy. But don’t think you can now rest on your throne and enjoy this glorious title. On the contrary: you are now expected to work very hard to keep it! Read more: Animal Communication – Become a better leader (Lily’s Diary) Natural Remedies for Horses and Dogs Inflammation on an animal may appear around a wound, where there is some foreign object inside the tissues or anywhere on the body when the body’s natural defence mechanism reacts to protects against infection and bacteria. Homeopathy may be higly effeicient in resolving the problem. if symptoms persist, please consult your vet. Read more: Homeopathy for animals – Inflammation Aromatherapy – How to clean a wound My first choice to clean wounds on pets and horses is Lavender essential oil. Pure, unadulterated, 100% Lavendula angustifolia. I also use Calendula tincture for its disinfectant and healing properties. Read more: Aromatherapy for Animals – How to clean a wound Until next month, take all care! Please kiss your pets for me! |
New Look!!
Horse Whispers site has a new look! Please check it and let me know what you think! New Products!!
Find out more… Animal Communication Foundation correspondence course |