
Benefits of using clay with horses

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Dry earth

I am a fan of green clay because it has consistently proven its efficiency and healing powers for many ailments horses and other animals are prone to, making it a gift from nature. There are several types of clay, kaolinite, smectite or bentonite, all with similar and often complementary properties, however, the Montmorillonite green clay is by far the most efficient when it comes to treating common afflictions in animals.

Each type of clay has its specific benefits and varies in colour, but they all have a complex structure made out of crystals. These crystals form multiple layers that sit on top of each other and resemble a stack of filo pastry. Between each layer, we find ionic compounds that react differently depending on the type of clay, giving it its specific properties. The chemistry of clay is complex and beyond the subject of this article. read more

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Natural Sources Of Copper Available To Horses

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Copper is a trace mineral essential to the well being of horses. As we strive to provide our horses with a good diet, we add supplements to complement the lack of nutrients from depleted paddocks or diets that do not suffice in regards to minerals and vitamins. Of course, we want to give our horses the best so we look for natural sources of copper.

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