July 2011

Why would you ride in a Torsion treeless saddle?

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Torsion treelees saddle - Bora
Torsion treelees saddle – Bora

This is an easy one for me to answer and without giving you a sales speech, I will try to outline the benefits of riding in a Torsion treeless saddle.

When you ride treeless, it is important that your horse is comfortable. As well as this, for myself, it is important I feel secure, because these days, I really don’t want to eat the dirt!!

There are now quite few treeless saddles on the Australian market, including the cheap ones made in India.

No matter whether you buy a treeless or a treed saddle, it is primordial that the saddle is made correctly and has been tested on horses and for quality.

Why would you ride in a Torsion treeless saddle? Read More »

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