
Ride From the Heart DVD by Jenny Rolfe – Review by Carol M. Upton

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This DVD (based on Jenny’s book by the same name) outlines a progressive system of dressage training through loose work, work in hand and riding, in particular using core breathing to communicate with the horse, producing better body awareness and core stability in the rider.

Ride From the Heart DVD by Jenny Rolfe – Review by Carol M. Upton Read More »

Why would you ride in a Torsion treeless saddle?

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Torsion treelees saddle - Bora
Torsion treelees saddle – Bora

This is an easy one for me to answer and without giving you a sales speech, I will try to outline the benefits of riding in a Torsion treeless saddle.

When you ride treeless, it is important that your horse is comfortable. As well as this, for myself, it is important I feel secure, because these days, I really don’t want to eat the dirt!!

There are now quite few treeless saddles on the Australian market, including the cheap ones made in India.

No matter whether you buy a treeless or a treed saddle, it is primordial that the saddle is made correctly and has been tested on horses and for quality.

Why would you ride in a Torsion treeless saddle? Read More »

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