Kelly lives her belief that all lives deserve a chance and Real Dogs Don’t Whisper is a unique and heartfelt collection of stories about some of the highly special-needs rescue dogs she has invited into her home, punctuated by Mr. MaGoo’s reflections, of course!
Real Dogs Don’t Whisper
Life Lessons From a Larger
Than Life Dog (and His Owner)
by Kelly Preston and Mr. MaGoo
Soft Cover, 2011, $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-467-998-857
Also in hard cover and as an e-book
Available on Amazon or at
Kelly and Mr. MaGoo will donate a portion of their proceeds from the sale of this book to FACE Foundation.
Reviewed by Carol M. Upton
The statement “It’s a dog’s life,” somehow seems to imply that all dogs are alike or share a common dog-life experience. No doubt the words of a human, as nothing could be further from the truth. What is “the truth?” you ask. Get comfortable, kids. I will share with you my vast knowledge of The Truth. But buckle up. It’s bound to be a bumpy ride.”
~ Mr. MaGoo
Kelly Preston and her DogsKelly Preston believes that all creatures deserve a chance. She brings this belief to life in Real Dogs Don’t Whisper, assisted by her opinionated co-author Mr. MaGoo. Through inspired storytelling, Preston invites readers to take the incredible journey that Mr. MaGoo, Carla Mae, Buffy and Betty Boop have shared with her.
Rescue animals provide uncountable blessings – love, joy, and a zest for life – but also frustration and unusual challenges. Preston had no blueprint for dealing with these special-needs dogs – one with severe neurological disorders, two from backgrounds of abuse, and one from a puppy mill. They all had unexpected lessons to teach – lessons of commitment, love, and the importance of living in the moment, which is all any of us ever have.
Preston’s stories are peppered with the hilarious ramblings of Mr. MaGoo, offering his distinctly doggy perspective. He has some disdain for human behavior, tolerance for the flow of foster dogs through his home and deep affection for his sisters.
Real Dogs Don’t Whisper is written in highly entertaining, conversational style, but – as Mr. MaGoo warns, be prepared. This book will also leave a dramatic and unforgettable impact on your heart.
Kelly Preston is an animal lover. Raised on a ten-acre property in Pennsylvania, she grew up with horses, rabbits, and dogs. Mr. MaGoo is a nine-year-old Lhasa Apso and the book’s co-creator and co-writer.
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