A major focal point of people who rear chickens has constantly been the quality of eggs produced. Much research has gone in to this particular area and the industry is continuously discovering new ways and means by which egg quality can be improved. Despite the seemingly complex sounding nature of this particular field, producing high quality chicken eggs can actually be broken down into rather simple terms.
Prevention of salmonella contamination is the main objective in the process of high quality egg production. Apart from this, chicks and pullets must be ensured to be free from bacteria. One way of ascertaining this is to ensure that pathogens are not present in any of the feeds used in the chicken’s diet. Vaccinations can also be carried out on a regular basis. Along with proper sanitation, egg washing and refrigeration, a healthy batch of quality eggs can be assured.
One simple issue that can affect the quality of eggs is the stress level of the chicken. It has been tested and proven that chickens that are less stressed produce far higher quality eggs than their stressed-up counterparts.
Chickens need their space. Have at least 3 square feet of free room for each chicken you own to allow them to feel free. Chickens that feel cooped up suffer easier from stress and this dramatically affects their egg laying capabilities.
In addition, do not allow the chickens to have much contact from other animals. The chicken house should be secured and safe from other animals or poultry’s disturbance.
Fresh food and water must also be supplied on a regular basis. However, do take note that changing of water and serving of food must not be done at timings which constantly disrupt the laying of eggs. Ensure that water is constantly clean and free from chicken droppings and other harmful elements.
A vital point to note is to not feed your chickens with broken eggs or similar condiments. Should they start to develop a taste for this particular food source, they might start pecking on freshly laid eggs. Take extra caution to dispose of and clean up egg residues within the chicken house quickly.
A moist, damp and generally dirty chicken house can affect the health of your chickens as well as the quality of their eggs. Keep the chicken house free from cob webs, dust, dirt, broken eggs and other sources that might breed bacteria.
Finally, pesticides are often used in the course of sanitation and to aid cleaning. Make it a point to only use pesticides that have been approved and regarded as safe for egg production. Similarly, other forms of cleaning chemicals or liquids that are used in or within the vicinity of the chicken house must be deemed safe. As a final safeguard, try to ensure as little contact between your chickens and the chemicals as far as you are able to.
Following the above guidelines will go a long way towards developing a good line a fresh, quality eggs for any chicken owner. Quality egg production does not always have to be obtained through complex scientific methodologies. Sometimes, a simple but thorough understanding of the factors affecting it itself is enough to guarantee quality eggs.
I want to say that the effort to produce high quality food sources and quality farm products has been a major focus in all sectors of the food industry. For the average man working in the poultry industry, the changes, complexities, and practices in producing high quality chicken eggs and meat could be stressful if not bewildering, but what happens in the farm determines directly the quality of the products that the poultry produce.
Those are very nice tips for poultry farmers.
I have some hens around my house … and all they need is fresh food and water and some space to move…not to mention of a great cock…