Welcome to October & November 2010 newsletter!
Dear subscriber, Something Big is coming to Australia! I am pleased to announce that next year, we will be able to acces If you are interested in knowing more about them, please feel free to contact me. Animal Communication Coincidence or Not?Do you, like me, wonder why certain things happen or why you meet certain people or decide to adopt this particular animal friend? Are they coincidences? I don’t think so. I believe that whatever happens in your life happens for a reason. Sometimes, the reason is too obscure for us to see at the time but we eventually understand it. Read more… Horse Care I have sourced an interesting e-book that you might like: “First Aid hints For The Horse Owner – A Veterinary Note Book“. Cat Care The Cruelty of Claw RemovalOne of the most important parts of a cat is its claws. Their claws are used for a variety of tasks which include balancing and climbing. Apart from that, cats also use their claws to stretch, walk and run. Furthermore, the claws on a cat are its most basic form of defence and very important to it. Read more.. Until next month, take all care! Please kiss your pets for me! Cass |
Learn Animal Communication
There are now few cheap courses available on the Internet so why would you spend so much money on my course? Honestly, you don’t have to. But the difference lies in the support and the quality. My course is designed to give you necessary feedback and validation on your findings during a session of animal communication. You also have access to my full, personalised support all along. The course is tailored to give you a profound experience and at the end, you will have learned all the techniques to communicate with animals. There is a difference between reading a book and practicing what you have learned and being able to know your progress. This is what this course gives you. On special at the moment: |